
Hope away from home

UNHCR – The UN Refugee Agency

Let’s protect the universal right

to seek safety from war, violence, and persecution

Hope away from home

The challenge

No one chooses to be a refugee

At the end of June 2023, 110 million people worldwide were forcibly displaced from their homes due to persecution, conflict and violence. Yet people fleeing wars, violence and persecution continue to face unacceptable risks and pushbacks in many parts of the world as they try to reach safety. Externalization, rising discrimination, criminalization of refugees as well as tougher and more restrictive admission policies are threatening the right to seek asylum and urgent action is needed to ensure this right is protected.

UNHCR has launched a global campaign called ‘Hope Away from home’ calling for urgent, global solidarity and action to help protect the right to seek asylum for everyone, everywhere, without discrimination.

Insight: No one choose to become a refugee. It can happen anyone.

Hope away from home


The film shows that becoming a refugee is no one’s choice It dramatically depicts how in a split-second anyone’s life can be turned upside down and they can be forced to flee their homes and countries due to circumstances outside their control such as war, violence, and persecution in search of safety.

The video is designed to be shared by UNHCR around the world on social media, by partners and stakeholders to raise awareness on the right to seek asylum and generate sign ups to the petition at unhcr.org/hope.