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Lakrids by Bülow

Defying astronomical odds

gets people talking and tasting

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The Problem

Love it or hate it

Lakrids by Bülow is a small Danish producer of gourmet liquorice, set on making the world love their product. There’s just one major obstacle: Half the world is convinced, they hate liquorice.

Insight: If our product is better, we have to get all 7,970,000,000 inhabitants of this planet to taste it.

To convert that many people, we needed help. So, we decided to recruit the other 50%, the liquorice lovers. And we had the perfect means to get them on board: We offered free samples of liquorice, if they promised to share it with a hater.

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The soltution

Help make the world love liquorice

By taking the official Lakrids by Bülow mission “We make the world love liquorice” literally, we designed the world’s biggest sampling campaign. Using the absurdity of math, people all over the world were asked to sign up for free liquorice – and be prepared to wait up to 412 years and 291 days for it.


The main piece of content was a hero film combined with a sign-up link for free samples. The content was distributed online through YouTube only and circulated on Facebook and Instagram. The platform was also designed with PR in mind to maximise a limited budget.

Through PR efforts, the campaign was picked up by Yahoo Finance, The Guardian, W&V, and many other leading news and leisure media

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The results

The immediate reach and sample requests exceeded all expectations with the following results:

  • 7.5 million global video views (mostly due to organic)
  • Within 4 months awareness grew by: 33% in Denmark, 43% in Germany, 44% in Great Britain, and 30% in Sweden
  • Number of sign-ups: 100,000 from 120 countries (and counting)
  • Furthest reach: The Ivory Coast
  • Sales through own channels grew by 185%
  • PR-reach: 131 million potential haters

Awards & Recognition

  • Danish Digital Awards 2022

    Danish Digital Awards 2022


  • Creative Circle Award 2022

    Creative Circle Award 2022
